Fall Home Maintenance Checklist
This extensive Fall Home Maintenance Checklist will make you ready for the season change and the tougher weather ahead. Windsor Essex seems to skip out on fall and go right into winter so you might not want to wait to accomplish these tasks.
- Prune trees
- Inspect Roof for any anomolies and have them repaired before wet weather starts
- Clean window & door screens and store
- Clean and remove decor
- Clean gutters
- Drain hoses remove and cover spigots to prevent freezing & bursting. Turn water off from the inside valve and turn on outside to allow drainage.
- Drain air conditioner pipes to prevent freezing & bursting
- Seal any water leaks
- Clean lint from outside dryer vent
- Mow your lawn once more on lowest setting and winterize your lawnmower with gasoline stabilizer.
- Bring out the snowblower and shovels.
- Close your pool and store your garden tools.
- Remove and store window air conditioning units
- Replace batteries in your carbon monoxide & smoke detectors
- Have your furnace and pipes inspected by a professional and have them test and repair any duct issues.
- Allow a professional to inspect and fix fireplace issues or seal it if it won’t be in use
- Reduce the temperature on your hot water heater to 120 degrees F or less
- Add insulation in your attic, between walls, beneath flooring and in basement
- Insulate your windows from the inside with plastic
- Use draft door stoppers in leading to outside and in proximity to garage and non-insulated areas
- Change furnace filter (monthly while in use) and choose HEPA filters.
- Change ceiling fans to clockwise
- Vaccuum HVAC return vent covers
- Remove screens and install storm doors and windows
- Line any draft spots with caulking or weather stripping
- Vaccuum dryer vent
And finally, brace yourself, it’s going to be a cold Windsor, Ontario winter! Keep up with your homeowner tasks like these, get cozy and enjoy your home.